Swimming Lessons
Swimming Lessons in Rexburg
If you are looking for swimming lessons in Rexburg, you’re in the right place. Swim lessons start every two weeks throughout most of the year. Swim classes are four days a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Lessons begin at 4:30 and last 45 minutes with classes starting every 45 minutes. Lessons cost $50.00 per child enrolled.
Swim Class Types
Beginner Swimming Lessons
Beginner swim lessons are for ages 4 and up and children must be potty trained. Classes will help acclimate children to the water, and teach basic safety principles.
Intermediate Swimming Lessons
Intermediate swim lessons are to teach children the basics of swim strokes and further their knowledge of pool and water safety.
Additional Swim Lesson Information
Class sizes are small with a maximum size of 4 students. One on one lessons can be arranged. Make-up lessons are scheduled with the instructor for Saturdays as needed due to illness or holidays. All swim instructors have been CPR certified and water safety certified.
Pool House Etiquette
Please have children shower on site prior to getting in the pool. Showering helps remove soaps and oils from the skin and hair. This helps us keep the pool chemical and pH balances in ideal ranges. There is no food or drink allowed in the pool area except for water.
Additional Pool Information
Our pool ranges from about 3ft deep to 5ft at the deepest. It has a gentle downward slope. The pool temperature is maintained at 91° and the hot tub at 102°. Please enter the pool via the south door that leads straight into the pool house. The swim instructor will have this door open for you.
Enrolling in Swimming Lessons
Please call the office at 208-356-0174 to enroll. Press 1 on the menu. The office is located at 36 Winn Drive, Rexburg, ID 83440, in the Valley-Wide business park.

Other information
Our business hours are Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5:30 pm and by appointment on Saturday. We are closed from 12 pm to 1 pm for lunch.
Rexburg Location
36 Winn Drive Suite #100 Rexburg 83440
Phone: 208-356-0174
Fax 208-356-0176